How to play RhymeReply

The goal of RhymeReply is to complete the poem.
The last line of the clue always rhymes with the correct answer.
Any reply that ends with the correct answer is valid,
you don't need to worry about meter or internal rhymes.
Let's look at some examples.

Theme Week: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer

With a chip in his head, He's the nicest of undead, As he rides around town on his bike. #RhymeReply #BuffyWeek

— RhymeReply clues (@RhymeReply) November 7, 2013

Clues: "Chip in his head", "undead"
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Theme Week: Locations

Darling, I'll know that it's true We keep circling the Pru, But I won't admit that we're lost, hon. #RhymeReply #LocationWeek

— RhymeReply clues (@RhymeReply) November 12, 2013

Clues: "Pru" refers to the Prudential Center.
You may also consider being lost part of the clue.
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Here's another example from Location week.

Putting my teacup down on its saucer, I can't read any more Geoffery Chaucer. Middle english makes my lips itch. #RhymeReply #LocationWeek

— RhymeReply clues (@RhymeReply) November 13, 2013

Clues: Do you know where Geoffery Chaucer was born?
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Theme Week: Celebrities

Although I fret and I frown, I can't figure out 3-Down. It turns out the answer is still QUARTZ. #RhymeReply #CelebrityWeek

— RhymeReply clues (@RhymeReply) November 20, 2013

Clue: Someone known for his crossword puzzles?
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Theme Week: Thanksgiving

Last clue for today: That tackle made quite a sound, Now you're there on the ground. You should stay put, Paul. #RhymeReply #Thanksgiving

— RhymeReply clues (@RhymeReply) November 26, 2013

Clue: Tackle
Click to reveal the answer

Got the idea?

If so, you can play along with this week's clues by following @RhymeReply!