Quotes about Chroma Cubes

The Chalk
Chroma Cubes is very unique. I don't think I've ever seen a game like this.
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Gil Hova
Gil Hova
Chroma Cubes nails a perfect balance:
It's extremely easy to learn, quick to play,
offers all sorts of interesting decisions,
and features a flexible game system that can be extended any number of ways.

And how many games in your collection use crayons?

Rich Sommer
Rich Sommer
Do you even get it? It's a game -- actually a clever, FUN game -- where you color pictures!
It's like someone dared Chip to make a game with something that could never be used to make a game, and then he DID.
I like it a lot.
Jason Tagmire
Jason Tagmire
The award for Most Innovative Game of the Con would go to Chroma Cubes.
So simple, so different, and so jealous that I didn't make this game.
Eric Summerer
Eric Summerer
I liked it a LOT. It's a really fun game and well worth tracking down.
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The Party Gamecast
If you like the European style games, where a bunch of people kinda do stuff in the same room and score, this is that.
And you get to color a coloring book while you do that.
I think that's really cool.
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Flip the Table
Chris Michaud
This game absolutely appeals to the kid in me, but it also scratches that gamerly itch.
I will often reach for it instead of Roll Through the Ages.
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Chroma Cubes makes me feel like a kid again.
How can you not enjoy rolling dice and coloring with crayons??
Inquisitive Meeple
Inquisitive Meeple
Chroma Cubes will make it so you never look at a coloring page the same again.

Vitas Povilaitis
It's a game that tickles the child in all of us, plus it has a strategic element that engages adults.
It's like a Pixar film.

PJ Bentley
My wife and I loved it and we're really looking forward to backing the Kickstarter campaign.
Coloring in the pictures is totally relaxing and fun while the dice management gives it some tense, gamerly crunch.
Really fun!

Flip Florey
ChromaCubes is a game that grabs hold of the "just plain fun" parts of your brain.
Coloring, dice rolling, push your luck elements are all brilliantly combined into one awesome game.
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